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Doctoral Studies


Doctoral (PhD.) Program



Study programs

Field of Study Study Program Form of Study Profile of Graduates
8. Economics and Management Finance Full-time/Part-time Profile of Graduates - Finance
8. Economics and Management Spatial and Regional Economics Full-time/Part-time Profile of Graduates - SaRE

Application for admission on doctoral study

Instructions for doctoral students

  • Instructions for a dissertation examination:
    • Requirements to enroll for dissertation examination:
      • The condition for enrollment for a dissertation examination is to obtain 80 credits (full-time and part-time doctoral study). In case of full-time doctoral study, the deadline for submitting the written work for the dissertation examination is 18 months from the beginning of the doctoral study at the latest. The date of the dissertation examination in case of full-time doctoral study is usually set for February. In the case of the part-time doctoral study, the deadline for submitting the written work for the dissertation examination is set within 24 months from the beginning of the doctoral study. The doctoral student submits the application for the dissertation examination together with the written work for the dissertation examination at least 1 month in advance.
    • Instructions to enroll for a dissertation examination:
      • To enroll for a dissertation examination, applicant is requested to fill and submit prescribed request form (Application for the Dissertation Examination) and to deliver two hardcopies of the written paper for a dissertation examination to the Office for research and development till deadline determined in the in the schedule of the doctoral study at the Faculty of Economics TUKE for the given academic year.
    • Download:
  • Instructions for a defense of doctoral thesis:
    • Requirements to enroll for a defense of doctoral thesis:
      To enroll for a defense of doctoral thesis, doctoral student is requested to meet following requirements:
      • Complete a dissertation examination,
      • Obtain 160 credits (full-time and part-time doctoral study). After fulfillment of all requirements determined in the internal regulations of the faculty as well as university and obtaining 160 credits, doctoral student may apply for a defense of doctoral thesis also at an earlier date as prescribed by his / her study program, respectively, as set by the schedule of doctoral study in academic year,
      • Obtain 70 credits (full-time and part-time doctoral study) for publications and publish (letter of acceptance is sufficient as well) the journal article of the category “A” in the corresponding field of research,
      • The doctoral student shall attach, together with the application for the defense of the dissertation thesis (and other requested documents whose list is published on the website of the Faculty of Economics TUKE), a table with a list of publications registered at the library of TUKE for the entire period of the doctoral study. All publications should have assigned credit values for individual publication according to the requirements determined in Study Rules and Regulations of TUKE.
    • Procedure to enroll for the defense of the dissertation thesis:
      Together with the application for the defense of the dissertation thesis, the doctoral student shall submit, by the end of November at the latest (in the case of the February deadline for the defense of the dissertation thesis), respectively by the end of April (in the case of the July deadline for the defense of the dissertation thesis) following documents:
      • Application to a defense of doctoral thesis.
      • Curriculum vitae.
      • List of all publications, categorized according to the Regulation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic No. 456/2012 Coll. on Central repository of publications records with assigned credit values for individual publication according to the requirements determined in Study Rules and Regulations of TUKE.
      • Duplicates of most creditworthy journal publications.
      • Dissertation thesis in state, or world language in three printed copies and in electronic form (1 x CD). In the case of a grace period for making the dissertation thesis available to the public, it is necessary to apply for this with the completed form.
      • Cover Letter of doctoral student to the application to a defense of doctoral thesis.
      • Report on originality of the doctoral thesis.
      • Annual assessment of the doctoral student for the latest completed academic year. Supervisor together with the doctoral student examine records of the results in internal information system (MAIS) for all courses that doctoral student should complete during the entire part of a doctoral study according to the study program of doctoral student.
    • Download:
    • Fee for a defense of the doctoral thesis

Study office

  • Contact information:

    Ing. Darina VOJTEKOVÁ
    Phone number: +421 55 602 3257

  • Opening hours:
    Monday     08.30 - 11.30
    Tuesday     08.30 - 11.30
    Wednesday     08.30 - 11.30 and 13.00 - 15.00
    Thursday     -----------------
    Friday     08.30 - 11.30


Poslaním fakulty je rozvíjať poznanie a poskytovať vysoko kvalitné vzdelávanie v oblasti ekonomických vied, prispievať k rozvoju spoločnosti a formovaniu regionálnej ekonomiky prostredníctvom poskytovania výskumných a konzultačných činností, ďalšieho vzdelávania a služieb pre miestnu a regionálnu komunitu.