KBaI - Department of Banking and Investment
In its research, the Department of Banking and Investment focuses on foreign direct investment, banking, insurance, business process performance measurement, electronic commerce and services, application of information and communication technologies in the commercial sphere, and public administration (eGovernment).
The members of the department participate in solving and coordinating research tasks within the framework of international research projects focused mainly on socio-economic analyzes and decision support in the application of information and communication technologies. In national research and educational projects, the department focuses on the competitiveness of banks and the commercial sector, e-commerce management, decision support systems, risk management, business valuation, financial investment, sector analyses, innovations in e-learning, etc. Within some projects, the department offers training and consulting services in the mentioned areas.
The department provides and guarantees courses and courses in the field of Banking, Banking Operations Management, Investment Fundamentals, Portfolio Management, Financial Derivatives, Financial Decision Making, Risks and Uncertainties in Finance, Insurance, Technical Analysis, and E-Commerce.
Head of the department: Assoc. Prof. Jozef Glova, PhD.
E-mail: jozef.glova@tuke.sk
Web page: http://kbai.ekf.tuke.sk/