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Study office and forms

Study Office EkF TU in Košice:

Address: B. Němcovej 32, (2nd floor, No. 203), 040 01 Košice
Telephone: +421 55  602 32 57

Office hours:

Monday:  08.30 - 11.30
Tuesday: 08.30 - 11.30
Wednesday:   08.30 - 11.30 and 13.00 - 15.00
Thursday: -----------------
Friday: 08.30 - 11.30



Second retake of the examination (Dean's exception) – information and procedure

Following Article 18, (19) of Study Rules and Regulations of the Technical University of Košice, if a student fails the examination, he/she is entitled to one retake of the examination. The authorization for the second retake, students may obtain from Rector or the Dean.  The second retake can be requested for the maximum of two subjects in one Academic year. 


  • send completed and signed application form to the Study Department via e-mail (you can find this form on the Faculty's website - STUDY - Study Department);
  • the Study Department will check whether you are still entitled to the second retake;
  • based on the Dean's instructions, the Study Department will send back a confirmation of the second retake by email;
  • it is the student’s responsibility to hand over the confirmed/approved request to the lecturer