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Faculty Management

Dean of the Faculty of Economics of TUKE:
Assoc. Prof. Michal ŠOLTÉS, PhD.
Telephone: +421 55 602 32 75
E-mail: Michal.Soltes@tuke.sk

Vice Dean for Research, Science and Doctoral Studies:
Assoc. Prof. Peter DŽUPKA, PhD.
Telephone:  +421 55 602 32 95
E-mail: Peter.Dzupka@tuke.sk

Vice Dean for Education:
Assoc. Prof. Júlia ĎURČOVÁ, PhD.
Telephone: +421 55 602 32 92
E-mail: Julia.Durcova@tuke.sk

Vice Dean for External Relations and Development:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ján BULECA, PhD.
Telephone: +421 55 602 21 41
Fax: +421 55 602
80 46
E-mail: Jan.Buleca@tuke.sk

Telephone: +421 55 602 32 71
Fax: +421 55 602 80 46
E-mail: Lenka.Vejackova@tuke.sk

Chair of the Academic Senate of EkF TUKE:
Assoc. Prof. Jozef GLOVA, PhD.
Telephone: +421 55 602 32 78
E-mail: Jozef.Glova@tuke.sk