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Under the Erasmus + programme, the faculty has signed bilateral agreements on the exchange of students and teachers with more than 40 universities in Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, Spain, Italy and Turkey.

  • Information for Erasmus students:
  • Faculty coordinator of the Erasmus + programme: doc. Ing. MVDr. Ján BULECA, PhD. 
  • University coordinator of the Erasmus+ programme: Ing. Natália VAŠKOVÁ, PhD.
    • email:
    • phone: +421 55 602 21 14
      • address: Letná 9, 042 00 Košice, Slovensko
      • ERASMUS kód: SK KOSICE03



  • Internship - Information and conditions, list of universities
  • Study
    • Make sure to select subjects according to semester. Each subject is connected to a particular semester.
    • In case you choose subjects from different years of study, we cannot guarantee selection of your subjects due to timetable overlapping. (in this case we could require change of your choice of subjects)
    • There is an option to study languages: Slovak, German, English
    • Study programmes

Poslaním fakulty je rozvíjať poznanie a poskytovať vysoko kvalitné vzdelávanie v oblasti ekonomických vied, prispievať k rozvoju spoločnosti a formovaniu regionálnej ekonomiky prostredníctvom poskytovania výskumných a konzultačných činností, ďalšieho vzdelávania a služieb pre miestnu a regionálnu komunitu.