Master Studies
Master Thesis
- Instructions for assigning Master Thesis in academic year 2023/2024
- The final thesis should bring new and original knowledge and perspectives based on one's own creativity.
- The thesis is partially submitted into a Final Thesis Portal (PZP), where your supervisor can see the progress you have made and you can therefore earn your credits for Bachelor Thesis Seminar.
- The submission of the thesis itself is done through the Library portal (ETD). There are specific requirements for the format and presentation of the thesis. You can find more details in the library portal (ETD).
- You can access both portals by using your Login/Password for MAIS.
- The Final Thesis template
- Instructions of the University Library for successful registration of the thesis and its submition for printing
- The students are required to have 1 printed version of the Master‘s thesis on ETD Library Portal under your LogIn. Price for a copy is 15 Euro and it’s paid online to the Library account.
- Master Thesis in the period from April 23, 2025 to April 25, 2025 (3 working days). You can submit the Master Thesis earlier, but a thesis with a later date of submission on the license agreement will not be accepted for the regular date of the final exams.
- The date of submission of the diploma thesis to the University library TUKE is no later than April 25, 2025 at 1pm.
- The printing of theses will take place in the library, based on the student's request, more information can be found in the Instructions for registration in University library TUKE.
The Final State Exams
- There are two conditions that need to be kept to be able to attend the Bachelor State exam:
- Successful finalized all the subjects including the Diploma Thesis Seminars,
- Total number of minimum credits is 120.
- Master State exam consists of Master Thesis defense ONLY.
- Please check the exact date and time of your state exam in the Schedule of students. Enter your Mais LogIn in the box.
- It is compulsory to have your Power Point presentation ready for your Master’s thesis defence. The Final Thesis template is here. You need to upload it no later than May 17, 2024 until 6 am here. The title of your presentation should be saved as SurnameName in formats such as .PPT, .PPS, .PPTX, .PPSX, .PDF.
- Instructions for the Master’s state examination
For more information please contact your thesis supervisor.