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Academic Senate of the Economic faculty of TUKE

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Academic Senate of the Economic faculty of TUKE

Chair of the AS EkF TUKE:

Assoc. Prof. Jozef Glova, PhD.

Vice-Presidents of the AS EkF TUKE:

Ing. Manuela Raisová, PhD. - Vice-President of the Staff representatives
Viktória Adamkovičová - Vice-President of the Student representatives


Members of the AS EkF TUKE:

Staff representatives:
Assoc. Prof. Alena Andrejovská, PhD., Department of Finance,
Ing. Radoslav Bajus, PhD., Department of Finance,
Assoc. Prof. Peter Burger, PhD., Department of Regional Science and Management,
Assoc. Prof. Jozef Glova, PhD., Department of Banking and Investment,
Assoc. Prof. Matúš Kubák, PhD., Department of Regional Science and Management,
Ing. Dana Paľová, PhD., Department of Applied Mathematics and Business Informatics,
Ing. Manuela Raisová, PhD., Department of Economics,
RNDr. Libuša Révészová, PhD., Department of Applied Mathematics and Business Informatics,
Assoc. Prof. Marianna Siničáková, PhD., Department of Economics
Ing. Leoš Šafár, PhD., Department of Banking and Investment.

Student representatives:
Martin Ďurta, representative of the 1st year of bachelor's degree,
Dominik Bendo, representative of the 2nd year of bachelor's degree,
Radovan Filip Novotný, representative of the 3rd year of bachelor's degree,
Bc. Viktória Adamkovičová, representative of the 1st year of master's degree,
mandate temporarily released - master's degree and Ph.D. study.


Academic Senate of the TUKE » viac...


Schedule of the meeting of AS EkF TUKE in the academic year 2019/2020» [download]
Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice » [download]
Principles of elections to the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice » [download]

Activity reports of AS EkF TUKE:
Report on the activities of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice 2018 » [download]
Report on the activities of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice 2017 » [download]
Report on the activities of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice 2016 » [download]
Report on the activities of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice 2015 » [download]
Report on the activities of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice 2014 » [download]


Report of the extraordinary meeting AS EkF TUKE from 29.10.2020 » [download]
Report of the extraordinary meeting AS EkF TUKE from 23.10.2020 » [download]
Report of the meeting of AS EkF TUKE 08.09.2020 » [download]
Report of the extraordinary meeting of AS EkF TUKE from 30.06.2020 » [download]
Zápisnica z el. hlasovania per rollam AS EkF TUKE from 9.4.2020 » [download]
Report of the extraordinary meeting of AS EkF TUKE from 23.01.2020 and next day 29.01.2020 » [download]

Report of the meeting of AS EkF TUKE from 10. 12. 2019 » [download]
Report of the extraordinary meeting of AS EkF TUKE from 13.11.2019 » [download]
Report of the AS EkF TUKE meeting from 24. 9. 2019 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE 10. 9. 2019 per rollam » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE 13. 8. 2019 per rollam » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE 8. 8. 2019 per rollam » [download]
Report of the AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 18. 6. 2019 » [download]
Report of the AS EkF TUKE extraordinary meeting dated 7. 5. 2019 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE from 17. 4. 2019 per rollam » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 19. 3. 2019 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE extraordinary meeting dated 5. 3. 2019 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE dated 8. 2. 2019 per rollam » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 15. 1. 2019 » [download]
Report of AO EkF TUKE meeting dated 8. 1. 2019 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 8. 1. 2019 » [download]

Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 03. 12. 2018 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 13. 11. 2018 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 17. 09. 2018 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 18. 07. 2018 per rollam » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 20. 06. 2018 per rollam » [download]
Report of AO EkF TUKE meeting dated 19. 04. 2018 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 19. 04. 2018 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 15. 03. 2018 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 12. 02. 2018 per rollam » [download]

Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 11. 12. 2017 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 09. 11. 2017 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 18. 09. 2017 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 09. 06. 2017 » [download]
Report of AO EkF TUKE meeting dated 21. 04. 2017 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 23. 02. 2017 » [download]

Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 05.12.2016 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 19.09.2016 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 30.05.2016 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 22.02.2016 » [download]

Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 19.11.2015 » [download]
Announcement of by-elections on 18.09.2015 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 18.09.2015 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 07.08.2015 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 27.04.2015 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 09.04.2015 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 23.03.2015 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 30.01.2015 » [download]
Report of AO EkF TUKE meeting dated 27.01.2015 » [download]
Report of AS EkF TUKE meeting dated 27.01.2015 » [download]