Ponuka Ministerstva vzdelávania, kultúry, výskumu a technológií Indonézskej republiky o štipendiách pre zahraničných študentov
Pre študentov
The Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia in Bratislava presents its compliments to the Technical University of Košice and has to convey information that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia offers a scholarship for international students, namely Beasiswa Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB Scholarship) for 30 Bachelor Program, 162 Master program, and 30 Doctoral Program.
This scholarship covers flight tickets, tuition fees, living allowance, and health insurance. The applications will be closed on February 23, 2024. All information can be found at: https://knb.kemdikbud.go.id/ (for further info, please contact michaela.mukti@indonesia.sk.