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The project SME Ready for the Future (SMERF) has officially started!

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The project SME Ready for the Future (SMERF) has officially started!


Companies nowadays have a need of changing their functioning and business models to stay competitive on the market. To become better prepared for the future they need to innovate, act greener and become more digital. One solution for them can be support from so-called Innomediaries or Higher Education Institutions. Project SME Ready for the Future (SMERF) will provide these institutions with the needed knowledge so they can transfer it to low-tech and medium-tech enterprises. SMERF creates a unique approach by linking 4 pillars based on new concepts of:

  • Innovation culture,
  • Digital manufacturing,
  • Open innovation 2.0 & sharing economy and
  • Green & circular economy & sustainability.

SMERF project is co-financed by the Interreg Central Europe programme and is set to run from April 2023 to March 2026. The project is being implemented by 8 partners from 7 countries (Poland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia).

The kick-off meeting of the project took place on the 10-11 May 2023 in Wroclaw (Poland) and was organised by the lead partner of the project - Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. During this meeting the project partners discussed first acts and approaches towards the project.

During the project implementation, SMERF will also create InnoGreen market for transforming companies across Europe, innovative audit methodology, Inspirational Knowledge Base, SMERF Diagnosis Tool, SMERF Individual Support Program and also many webinars, trainings and workshops.

Group photo from the Kick-off meeting with representatives of all the project partners: ​Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland), Business Upper Austria (Austria), Center of Research and Technologic Innovation s.r.l. (Germany), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Pannon Business Network Association (Hungary), STEP RI Science and Technology Park of the University of Rijeka Ltd. (Croatia), University of Genoa (Italy), Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia)

More information about SMERF project:


