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Empirical seminar of the SAS Economic Institute - Timo Baas (May 31, 2023)

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Empirical seminar of the SAS Economic Institute - Timo Baas (May 31, 2023)


We are pleased to invite you to another Empirical Seminar of the Institute of Economic Research Slovak Academy of Sciences, this time from the field of economic modelling. The invitation has been accepted by Timo Baas (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Stuttgart, Germany), who will present research discussing the trade effects of European integration. By using the Computable General-Equilibrium (CGE) model a counterfactual scenario is created that shows a world where only original 15 EU countries are EU members. The benefit of the EU-13 accession is assessed by comparing the world today and the world in the counterfactual scenario.

Date: May 31, 2023 (Wednesday), 14.00 CET


See abstract below. The workshop will be organized in a hybrid form - for those interested, the speaker and a couple of discussants will be present in the library of our Institute. 


We look forward to the discussion.