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TCA seminar Blended mobility for Higher Education: challenges, opportunities and concrete implementation

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TCA seminar Blended mobility for Higher Education: challenges, opportunities and concrete implementation


We bring to your attention a thematic seminar organized by the Belgian national agency entitled Blended mobility for Higher Education: challenges, opportunities and concrete implementation, which will take place on 7-9 June 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. It is intended for those interested in the higher education sector, specifically for Erasmus+ coordinators, institutional Erasmus coordinators, heads of foreign departments, vice-deans / vice-rectors for foreign relations or teachers who have experience with mixed mobility or are newbies.

More information about the seminar and application can be found on our website:

The seminar is organized under the so-called TCA activities for which our national agency provides a grant in the form of reimbursement of real costs up to 95%. 60 participants from 22 countries are expected to participate in this seminar, we have 2 places available for Slovakia. If you are interested in the activity, you need to fill out a qualitative application in English on the
SALTO portal and a grant application to our national agency by 4/29/2023.