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National Integrated Reform Plan "Modern and Successful Slovakia" - AS resolution

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National Integrated Reform Plan "Modern and Successful Slovakia" - AS resolution


Dear Members of the Academic Community of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice,

The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice at an extraordinary meeting on October 29, 2020, by approving Resolution No. 30/2020 AS EkF TUKE expressed its opinion on the National Integrated Reform Plan "Modern and Successful Slovakia", published by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic:

"The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Košice expresses its support for the preservation of academic freedoms. It welcomes the activities aimed at improving the functioning of higher education institutions and increasing the transparency of all processes at universities. However, the decision to change the system of self-government of universities and faculties should be made based on a broader social discussion, but above all a discussion within the academic community. "

More information can be found on the subpage of the Academic Senate EkF TUKE