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HR workshop at EY in Košice - How to star in a selection interview and get the job of your dreams

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HR workshop at EY in Košice - How to star in a selection interview and get the job of your dreams

For students

Are you finishing your studies soon and starting to worry about whether you can impress a potential employer? At EY, we are happy to advise you. You will definitely appreciate the practical tips and tricks directly from our experienced recruiters, which will help you prepare as best as possible for a discussion with a potential employer.

On Wednesday, April 26, 2023, we invite you to our EY office in Košice at Štúrová 27 for our workshop to show you how your CV should look, what the standard selection process looks like, what mistakes to avoid and we will also tell you, what are the most common questions asked at selection interviews.

Of course, you will also have a unique opportunity to try a selection interview directly during the workshop!

We will introduce you to our company and you will learn what its individual departments are dedicated to.

And don't pack dinner, we'll provide refreshments :)

If you want to be a part of it, you need to register by filling out this form, no later than Friday, April 21, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. The number of places is limited, so don't hesitate! :)

*In case of a large number of interested parties, we will contact selected participants.
